Blog Posts and YouTube Videos of the Week

Where should I start? I wanted to share four new posts this week as well, but I was waiting for approval for one post I didn’t get in time and didn’t have the time to finish my backup post, and due to that I only published three new posts on the blog. But I finally shared the last two outfit posts from Bali, and I wrote about a topic that was something I had on my mind for quite a while: I wrote about the negative impact of mass tourism in Bali and also about the positive impact of tourism in Bali. Other than that I also shared an outfit I was wearing in Berlin a couple of days ago. As you might know, we had some very great late summer days, and due to that, I was able to wear one of the late summer trends: the biker shorts.

I also shared a few new videos on YouTube this past week. I published the last vlog from Sulawesi and finally started sharing my Bali vlogs. I have to say, that these vlogs are some of my favourites. Looking at them makes me miss Bali even more, and I hope you guys enjoyed watching them. And if you haven’t seen them yet make sure to stop by YouTube and check them out. And if you like them, you should leave a thumbs up and subscribe, if you don’t want to miss all my upcoming vlogs. More from Bali is coming next week, and after that, I will finally start sharing everything I got from Milan Fashion Week.

Looks of the Week

Once again we were very productive the past week. We took a few new outfit pictures for both Instagram and the blog, and due to that I can share some inspirations with you today:

What happened the past week

The last week was one of those very busy weeks with an endless to-do list and too little time. But let’s start with the past weekend. The weather the past weekend was great, and we decided to take advantage of the weather and take a few new outfit pictures on Saturday. On Sunday my boyfriend had a soccer match, and I met up with Luisa. We decided to spend some time outside, sat at a restaurant and had a little snack and coffee before walking a little bit and taking some pictures. The plan was to work a little bit as well, but I ended up spending so much time with Luisa, that I didn’t have the time to work afterwards. But since it was the weekend, that’s fine. Sometimes I have to take off a day as well. 😉
Monday to Friday was stressful days. As I mentioned before, I had to get a lot of work done. I spent the Monday at the office and barely got outside. Tuesday started with a shooting I did together with Kim and Caro (you might remember them from Milan Fashion Week). Afterwards, I went to a Microsoft Event for the launch of their new products.

It was a fun event I stayed longer than I had planned. Then it was time to go back to the office and finally start working on my to-do list. I left quite late and was happy when I fell into my bed this evening. On Wednesday I met up with Kim again to take some pictures and afterwards we went to an event hosted by the Ritz-Carlton. It was all about their new hotel in Oman, and it actually was quite interesting to learn a little bit more about this place. Now we really want to go there and explore the area haha. Maybe this can be one of our next trips together?!
Thursday and Friday were German Press Days in Berlin, which means that all the PR agencies were showing the newest collections. As I didn’t have the time to skip two days at the office, I just visited one agency on Thursday morning and spent the rest of the day at the office. In the evening I went to a Diesel event, which actually was super lame. But it’s been a while since I had been in a Diesel store and it was interesting to see how their collections had changed. On Friday I spent the whole day visiting agencies. Since I skipped Thursday, I tried to do as much as possible on Friday. I ended up visiting six agencies that day, but I had three more on my list. It just is impossible to visit all of them even if you spent both days running around town.