In 2013 I already signed up on Instagram. At that time Instagram was simply for linking up with friends from school and people from your personal environment- today the platform means a lot more for me.
Today is not just a web fashion blog but also an Instagram fashion blog. Instagram is my, publicly accessible, personal pin board where, up to 4 times a day, updates from my daily life or awesome travels are shown.

Instagram Fashion Blogger from Berlin @whaelse
Instagram Fashion Blogger- how did I end up there?
Shortly after discovering my passion for photographing fashion, I started this blog. It was just amazing to grow with something and build up your own business! Cause I am a full-time blogger since 2014 also on Instagram. Even today I sometimes look at the pictures from the beginning and ask myself- what the heck have I be doing there?
But today isn’t about the history of my blog, which by the way you can read more detailed over the navigation point above (About me). Today I want to tell you about how I started my fashion blog on Instagram and which obstacles I had to overcome.
Shortly after Instagram came up I was impressed with it. At that time Instagram was just equipped with some basic functions but still just awesome and it was really simple to load up your favored pictures. From the typical mirror- selfie to the first #foodporn pictures everything was there.
I for myself did see another use for this platform pretty fast and quickly started to try to use it more professionally. By then I started shooting with a reflex camera and thoroughly edited the pictures and also used the first filters. But I was still a bit shy at that time, which you can see by my posture on early pictures.
With my first professional steps on Instagram, I saw myself as an Instagram fashion blogger and tries to develop myself further.
How to start an Instagram fashion blog
The first important thing which you should do before starting an Instagram fashion blog is to think about a concept. In the following, I will relate to fashion as we are going to post about fashion on Instagram. Of course, you should enjoy fashion but especially you should be eager to try out new things cause there is one thing an Instagram fashion blogger should do- inspire! For that, you should create a content plan, whom you should actually use to post on Instagram.
So if you are sure about your style and have created a content plan you should be aware of one thing which is important for being a successful Instagram blogger- you need to show a certain regularity. That means, by one picture a day, no one can grow. And you also have to actively involved on what’s happening on the platform.
And you should also be really aware of what your feed will be about. Today food, tomorrow beauty and the day after fashion, that’s not going to work. Be aware of which topic you want to show on Instagram and if you really want to be a plain fashion blogger.
When your concept is ready you ideally produce pictures in advance. Apart from that, you should think about if you want to shoot your pictures with your Smartphone or with a professional camera. I personally think that Smartphone pictures are very charming and can definitely be used very well to be used for an Instagram fashion blog.
You now have a concept for your feed on Instagram and are a fashion enthusiast. To get the most out of your pictures you now have to deal with image editing. I would recommend signing up for a course at or too busy yourself with tutorials at In my Q&A which you find on the right in the sidebar you can have a look at which apps I am using.
Q&A zu meinem Instagram Fashion Blog
How do you shoot your pictures?
Sony Alpha 7 Mark 4
Panaosic Lumix G81
iPhone 14 pro
How do you edit your pictures?
I nearly only use the Adobe Lightroom app for editing my pictures, I even created my own pre-sets. Pre-sets are filter! For stories I use the unfold app as well as Adobe Lightroom. For videos I also use the 8mm App.
How do you film your stories?
My instagram stories I film alomost exclusively with my Iphone 14 pro and for editing I use Adobe Premiere Pro, if it’s for a cooperation.
Who shoots your picture?
My boyfriend and partner mostly shoots the pictures for Instagram.
Where do you shoot you pictures?
Well, that a tricky question as I’m slowly running out of Locations. The pictures are taken spontaniously when it suits us and best out of motion.
How do you plan your feed?
I do plan my feed primary with Unum, an App where its easy to have a look on your own future feed.

You now have a fashion blog on Instagram- how do I get the first followers?
If you now have your concept, produced awesome high-quality picture and post more than once daily, you are prepared to really get started.
As already mentioned above its now about being active and try to build up a community to really participate on Instagram. I have to say with the utmost clarity- be active, like within your niche of fashion bloggers and show yourself. It’s really important to not spam pointlessly but also look after quality here. Really engage in discussions or rather start them yourself within the comments, answer questions also for other fashion bloggers on Instagram in their comments- live the fashion – present yourself as a true expert.
Die schönen Seiten eines Instagram Fashion Bloggers – tolle Strände und Reisen Instagram Fashion Blogger Streetstyle in Miami South Beach
A huge mistake I made, was not trying to link and ask questions in advance. Do you hesitate? Ask! There is going to be someone out there who can help you. I do learn incredibly much just by listening to questions asked by other Instagram fashion blogger… incredibly much
So if you are already active, the first follower will come for sure. You must be aware that you will not become an Instagram star overnight. Be patient and above all, go your own way and always try to become more valuable in your content production.
By the way, here I already wrote an article about absolute DO NOTS on Instagram.
Should I as an Instagram Blogger use all the great app features?
The range of functions on Instagram today differs a lot from what we’ve had at hand back in the days.
Instagram does have a lot of features that should be used as an Instagram fashion blogger. You should definitely use Instagram Stories. They give you the opportunity to show a more personal site and by that allow you to build up a community faster and more efficiently. But the same rule as for your pictures in your feed applies here- good quality posted on a regular basis will definitely pay off.
Instagram Live is another option, where you can present yourself within 60 minutes (Status 06/18), there you can interact with your community no matter how small or big it is. It’s a more personal way and you finally react to the questions of your community. You don’t have to worry when, in the beginning, not many are recognizing your Live sessions, very soon you will be pushed also by the Instagram algorithm.
Use IGTV or Instagram TV as a fashion blogger
Brand new on the market is e.g. Instagram TV or rather IGTV as an app, which will be connected to your profile. Like always on Instagram you will be rewarded, when you actively use new features. So you should come up with a concept, how you could use IGTV as an Instagram fashion blogger. IGTV is very new and at now you can still test (check out) yourself with it very well. Would it not be great if you could be one of the first IGTV bloggers or rather initiate the era of Instagram vloggers.
Currently, Instagram TV is still very small. But I think soon it will emerge, that with this format, they have created a new possibility for vlogging. Here again, we have already created a concept and we are going to try to use Instagram as a vlogger and a blogger. Personally, I am looking forward to becoming an IGTV fashion blogger and I am hoping to get the chance to create awesome new fashion vlogs for IGTV.