Those who follow me on Instagram might already know, that I attended the Raguse event here in Berlin last week. I have to admit, that it was the first time I heard about this chocolate brand when I received the invitation. But you know me, I could never say no to chocolate, and I couldn’t wait to try Ragusa chocolate. During the event, we had the chance to learn more about the history of the Swiss brand as well as the three flavors blond, classique and noir. These three flavors stand for three different characters:

Ragusa Blond is the brave non-conformist and individualist, who wants to challenge the world.
Ragusa Classique is the calm, rooted idealist and doer, who is enjoying the world.
And, last but not least, Ragusa Noir is the confident, ambitious, visionary and leader, who wants to change the world.

What character are you guys?! I can’t decide between Ragusa Classique and Noir when it comes to the taste. But I love the character of Ragusa Noir. 🙂

Oh and by the way, Ragusa is hosting a contest on their website right now where you have the chance to win a weekend in Switzerland. Have a look, it’s worth it!

Ragusa Classique
Ragusa chocolate dessert
Fashion Blog Germany
Ragusa Blond choco
Ragusa chocolate

But today I don’t only want to talk about Ragusa chocolate and the three tastes/ character. The event in Berlin also inspired me to try my own recipe with the chocolate. We had not only the chance to try the chocolate as they sell it in stores, but we also had the chance to try one recipe for each taste: Ragusa Blond cupcakes, Ragusa Classique mousse au chocolate, and Ragusa Noir Avocado Salad. So when I thought about today’s blog post with these three recipes in mind, I thought why not share my own recipe with you. And since I know, that you all love cake, I created a “somewhat” healthy cake with no added sugar, butter, and eggs but lots of Ragusa chocolate. In the following you can find the recipe:

“Healthy” Ragusa chocolate cake

– 3 Bananas
– 150 g Apple Sauce without added sugar
– 100 ml Milk (or oat milk)
– Vanilla Flavoring
– 20 g Coconut Oil
– 200 g Spelt Flour
– 2 tsp Baking Powder
– 1 tsp Cinnamon
– Salt
– 1-2 tsp Cocoa Powder
– 3 Ragusa Blond
– 3 Ragusa Classique
– 3 Ragusa Noir

Ragusa recipe
How to bake chocolate cake

1. Preheat the oven to 175°C and grease a small cake springform
2. Mash up the ripe bananas with an immersion blender until it is a smooth puree. Add the apple sauce, milk, coconut oil as well as the vanilla flavoring and mix everything.
3. Combine the spelt flour, cinnamon, salt, backing powder and cocoa powder in a second bowl before you mix it in the banana puree gradually.
4. Fill one half of the dough into the springform and add the Ragusa chocolate (you can also use more or less) before filling in the second half of the dough.
5. Put the springform into the oven and wait 35 minutes.
6. If you want you can also add a frosting after leaving it to cool for a little while. I would suggest a chocolate frosting.

Ragusa chocolate cake
Lifestyle Blog
Healthy Chocolate Cake