Planning a Fashion Week whole on vacation isn’t the best idea I’ve ever had. It actually was the worst idea, because first I didn’t feel like planning a Fashion Week and second the internet in Sri Lanka wasn’t the best and I barely could check or answer my emails. That’s one of the reasons I missed almost every show; I just couldn’t respond the invitation.
Another reason is that I rather spend my time backstage with Wella Professionals and Sebastian Professional. I like being backstage that much because you get to see more than only the final result. Seeing the preparations, how they create the hairstyles and the hecticness before makes you see the show with different eyes – in a positive way.
Backstage with Wella Professionals – Berlin Fashion Week AW 2017/2018
Wella Professionals did the hairstyling for most of the shows at the Berliner Mode Salon. I was backstage four times with Wella Professionals this season: Odeeh, Malaikaraiss, the group exhibition and last but not least Marina Hoermanseder. It’s hard to say which one was my favourite because I liked them all and they’re so different. It’s hard to compare them. But the one I was most impressed about was the hairstyling for the Marina Hoermanseder show. I absolutely have a thing for braided hairstyles and the one the Wella-Styling Team created that day looked absolutely amazing. It is a super elaborately hairstyling, and the models had to bear up against a lot of pain, I guess. But it was worth it because the final result looked absolutely amazing.
Another favourite was the Malaikaraiss hairstyling; I even got myself. They needed a making-of picture for their Instagram account and since all the models were at the rehearsal they just did the hairstyling on me 😉 I love the contrast between the double twist and the straight hair at the back of the neck.




Horror Vacui



Dawid Tomaszewski

Benu Berlin

Marina Hoermanseder

Backstage with Sebastian Professional – Berlin Fashion Week AW 2017/2018
This season Sebastian Professional cooperated with designer William Fan again and created the hairstyling for his show. The Urban Design Team created a hairstyling, that was high in contrasts. It somehow reminded me of a crown, something majestical but rebellious at the same time. It worked perfectly with the collection William Fan designed for the next AW season.
The show was one of my favourites, the location and set-up were fantastic! I loved everything about it, But you better have a look yourself to see what I am talking about. 🙂 And don’t hesitate to leave me a comment to let me know which hairstyling is your favourite. Which one do you like best? Odee, Malaikaraiss, Marina Hoermanseder or William Fan? I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts about it. xx