
Last Sunday was the first Sunday this year I didn’t publish a “24 hours a day, 7 days a week”-post and I am so sorry about it. Fashion Week such a busy time and I tried my best, but I just couldn’t manage to take the time to write my weekly recap. I tried to tell you everything about what I was doing during Fashion Week last week instead, so have a look at the outfit posts, if you want to know more ๐Ÿ™‚

The past week was quite busy as well; I had to catch up on a lot of work, prepare a lot of stuff and go through all the pictures we took during Fashion Week. I also had a couple of meetings, and I had to plan a trip to Barcelona I will soon tell you more about, I can’t wait. But today it will be all about what I was doing last week, so let’s start with the past weekend. Saturday was the first day after Fashion Week, my boyfriend was in Mallorca, and I had to pick up Jimmy from his mother. She took care of him during Fashion Week, because I didn’t want him to be all alone at home all week ๐Ÿ™‚ But before I picked him up, I met up with Domi, Romina and Ranim for brunch at Sets, a restaurant in my neighbourhood. It felt sooooo good to eat, to eat a lot to be exact. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Afterwards, I picked up Jimmy, was back home in the afternoon and tried to work a little bit before going to the grocery store and picking up my boyfriend at the airport. It was a very long day, and I was still super exhausted from Fashion Week, so I fell asleep right away as soon as we were back home. I decided to take it easy on Sunday, so we spent most of the time at home and didn’t do anything worth talking about at all.

That’s why I will get straight to Monday and a very busy week at the office. I was so tired all week, I slept more than eight hours every single night and wasn’t at the office before 10 am. It seemed like I had to catch up on a lot of sleep after Fashion Week ๐Ÿ˜‰ Wouldn’t have thought it would take that long to recover… I spent the whole week at the office and worked almost all day.

On Monday I was super tired when we got back home, but I decided to give it a try and go for a run. It wasn’t the best idea; I ran only 3 kilometres (in 30 minutes…) hahaha. On Tuesday we walked back home from the office, so I didn’t do anything but lay on the sofa as soon as we were home. On Wednesday I met up with Nadja. We met last year at an event here in Berlin and wanted to meet up for more than a year, and even though we are living in the same neighbourhood we never managed to meet up until now! We met during Fashion Week again and decided to find a date as soon as possible, and Wednesday was that day.

On Thursday I didn’t only spend my time at the office, I also had two meetings. The first meeting was super nice, and I think some great things are coming ๐Ÿ™‚ The second meeting was a flop, so nothing worth talking about. But I didn’t mind about that because I was back home earlier than expected and decided to go for a run with Jimmy instead. I got changed quickly, picked up Jimmy at the office and drove to the forest where we used to go for a run at least twice a week last year. I still wasn’t a hundred percent fit, but it was a lot of fun, and I felt so good afterwards. I really need to get back into a routine; I haven’t been doing a lot lately…

Friday was quite the same as all the other days of the week. I worked almost all day, tried to get as much as possible done and didn’t do anything interesting in the evening. We cooked dinner at home and watched a new series on Amazon Prime, even though it might sound boring it was exactly what I needed! I hope you guys had a great week if you want you can leave me a comment and tell me more about what you were up to the last week.
