After weeks of work only, the past one was more eventful, so I finally have a little bit more to talk about today. πŸ™‚ The past weekend was a very calm one, my boyfriend was back after a week in Miami, and we wanted to relax a little bit and spent some time together. We started our Saturday with breakfast in bed, watched Netflix and around noon we got ready to drive to the city centre. We had to take some pictures for a collaboration and also wanted to have coffee and sit outside for a while. We spent the rest of the day home and did nothing but watching Netflix – it was a super relaxed Saturday evening! On Sunday my boyfriend had a soccer match, and once again I decided to drive with him and watch the match. But I also wanted to be active and go for a run, so I got dressed in my sportswear and ran 7 km before the match started. It felt so good to run and be active and watch my boyfriend playing soccer afterwards πŸ˜‰ We were both a little bit tired and exhausted when we came back home, so even on Sunday, we didn’t do anything in the afternoon and evening.

Monday was a very stressful day. It was my brothers birthday and the last day before our trip to Amsterdam. I had to leave the office at 4.30 pm to drive to my parent’s place where we celebrated my brothers birthday with a BBQ. Due to that, I had to hurry a little bit and get as much work as possible done before. Of course, I couldn’t finish everything, so I had to go back to the office after the little BBQ and finish the last things. I was home around 9 pm, had to pack my bags and actually couldn’t wait to fall asleep after such a busy day. I also wanted to go to bed early, because the alarm was set to 4 am… my dad picked me up around 5 am to drive us to the airport, because the flight was at 6.30 am.

Easyjet flights may be cheap, but the times are horrible haha. Anyways, we landed in Amsterdam around 8 am, headed straight to the city and walked around the centre until we finally could check in into our Airbnb apartment. We booked an apartment in De Pijp, my favourite district in Amsterdam!

After walking around Amsterdam for four hours, we decided to stay at the apartment for a little while and relax. We also rent some bikes, that we picked up around 5 pm. Cycling around Amsterdam is so much fun, but it isn’t risk-free. The cycle traffic is crazy, and if you are not used to it, you really have to take care. I actually broke my vlogging camera while I was cycling and it’s a total loss… I was so pissed; you wouldn’t believe it. The day was almost over, but I couldn’t film the rest of the day, and I didn’t know what to do the next day. I had my GoPro with me in Amsterdam as well, but the quality isn’t the same… I tried to film with it, but I still have to watch the clips and see, if I can use them for a vlog. Fingers crossed, it will work!

Except that I broke my camera, we didn’t do much but cycling that afternoon and evening. We cooked dinner at the apartment, sat on the rooftop terrace and enjoyed the beautiful sunset. Since we all got up at 4 am that day, we went to bed early and the first day in Amsterdam was over. The second day was already my last day. We had a tattoo appointment at 5 pm, so we spent all morning and noontime cycling around Amsterdam. We sat down by the canals, had some snacks and enjoyed the sunshine. It was super relaxing and so much fun.

We returned the bikes around 3 pm, went to a burger place for (late) lunch and then it was already time to go to the tattoo artist – the one I already had an appointment at in June πŸ™‚ I got a touch up on my compass tattoo, my brother got two new tattoos and my sister got one new. It was 8 pm when we left, so we headed back to the apartment, ate some bread for dinner and I packed my bags and went to bed early.

My flight back to Berlin was at 9 am on Thursday, and I had to get up at 6 am. My plan was to go the bed early and sleep, but it didn’t work out. I don’t know, but I think the food did not agree with me… I think I don’t have to get into more details, do I? πŸ˜‰

I felt better on Thursday morning, but I still didn’t feel like eating. I ate plain bread, got all my belongings and headed to the airport. I arrived back in Berlin at 11 am and went straight to the office. After two days in Amsterdam (I didn’t bring my mac book), I had to catch up on a lot of things. I was tired af, but at least I got the necessities done. Since I was so tired, I took an afternoon nap to be fit for a birthday party in the evening. A friend of mine turned 30 that day, so I had to be fit πŸ˜‰

Due to the birthday celebrations on Thursday evening, our Friday started a little bit later than usual. We spent most time of the day at the office, got lots of work done and afterwards it was time to catch up on GOT! Since I was in Amsterdam, we couldn’t watch the latest episode on Tuesday, and due to the birthday on Thursday, we couldn’t watch it that day either! Who is watching this series as well? πŸ™‚