My original plan was to share a monthly recap for you guys here on the blog. But after sharing the January update in February, I stopped. I was thinking about sharing a February recap as well, but I kept postponing it as I didn’t know what to write about. In the end, I decided to skip the second month of the year. Instead, today you’ll get to read a recap of the last two months in which I am only sharing the “highlights” with you.
Since we are still in lockdown in Germany, there are not many “highlights,” which are not even real ones. But we are all in a similar situation, so I will share it anyways and want to let you know that you are not alone 🙂 For most of us, nothing exciting has happened in the past months.
Digital Fashion Week
February and March were the fashion week months, but due to Covid-19, everything happened digitally. On the one hand, it was nice to have a less stressful fashion week season since I didn’t have to run around all day, have a hectic schedule with shows and events, get changed in between all appointments, and not forget about creating content in the cold. On the other hand, I missed seeing the new collections physically, meeting new people, and having good conversations.
This season I watched everything from home, and it was way more comfortable 😉 I also got to watch some shows together with Amelie and Lois, and we also worked on some fun projects during digital fashion week you can still find on Instagram.

We moved into our new office
End of February, we finally got the keys to our new office. Initially, we planned to move in at the end of January, but the renovations took longer than expected, and even when we got the keys, it wasn’t finished. But we finally could start moving, buy office furniture, plan the kitchen and other areas of the office. I filmed most of it, and I might cut a little vlog with the process for you 🙂 I also shared bits and pieces on Instagram; you can check out my story highlight for some behind the scenes.
It’s so lovely to have an office again finally. I also like to work from home sometimes, but two months were long enough, and I am way more productive in the office now. Additionally, I am so happy with our office. I like it a lot and feel so comfortable there; it has such a nice atmosphere and karma. Once everything is done (it still isn’t ugh), I will write a blog post and share all the details.
I cut my hair!
Yes, I did it!! Those who’ve been following me for a while now might know that I’d been thinking about cutting my hair for a long time. I loved my long hair, but at one point, it became too long, and I didn’t enjoy having long hair anymore. So in January, I made the final decision to cut it. I also decided that I wanted to donate my hair, and to do so, I had to cut at least 30 cm. The charity organizations can’t use the hair if it’s less.
I have to admit, 30 cm was a bit more than I had planned, but donating the hair was more important to me than having 5 cm longer hair. In the end, it even was 35 cm just to make sure they really have enough length to work with it. And guess what? I love it! I didn’t doubt my decision a second. It was such a relief. I am still very happy with my shorter hair. I will let it grow a bit for now, but I might cut it even shorter in summer… stay tuned. 😉

My 29th birthday, the second birthday in lockdown
Last year, the week before my 28th birthday, the government announced the first lockdown. And one year later, it still is not over. Who would have thought that we still would deal with Covid-19 and that the whole situation wouldn’t seem any better over a year after? I didn’t.
We had so many plans for 2021; I wanted to spend my 29th birthday in Bali or just be somewhere else. Somewhere where it’s warm. Well, maybe next year, hahaha.
I was so upset and sad that I would have to spend another birthday in lockdown. That’s why my boyfriend and I decided to leave the city for a few days and spend some time surrounded by nature. It was the best decision, for sure. I could see how my skin got better after only a day and how much more relaxed I was. Of course, it was all gone once we were back in the city but the three days were so much needed. I have to do this kind of getaway from the city more often this year.
How about you? How’s your year been so far? How’s the situation in your country? Leave me a comment and let me know. xx
Super cool und stylish! Es war sehr nützlich, sich der Bilder anzusehen, bevor ich mein Gehalt für neuen Kleidung auszugeben. :) Danke für den Ideen!
Liebe Mary, vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar. Das freut mich zu hören :)