It doesn’t seem like me weeks are getting any more interesting in May. We have nothing planned for this month because we have a lot of work and projects right now. That’s why we are spending most of the time at the office doing nothing but getting work done and that is actually nothing exciting to tell you more about. So yep, the past week was another boring week. But the weekend was actually quite nice. As you might know, we spend Friday and Saturday at a wellness hotel 1,5 hours from Berlin, and we enjoyed it to the fullest. We had such a great time there, relaxed a lot and it didn’t even feel like only 24 hours. When we arrived back in Berlin, we felt as if we spend a week at the Wellness hotel, it was super relaxing. We were back in Berlin around 5 pm, but didn’t do anything that evening but watching series at home. Sunday was super relaxed as well. We spend most of the time at home, went for a long walk with Jimmy and took outfit pictures.
Monday was a public holiday, so we didn’t drive to the office. We worked a little bit from home, watched series and decided not to go to the MyFest in Berlin. We used to do it the past years, but this year we didn’t feel like celebrating the 1st of May. Did you celebrate? 🙂
From Tuesday to Friday I spent most of the time at the office. On Tuesday morning we had to run errands, afterwards, we drove to the office, and we stayed until 8 pm. When we came home, I changed quickly, went for a short run and cooked dinner afterwards. That’s what most of my days look like right now… Wednesday was similar to Tuesday, but I didn’t go for a run in the evening. I was too lazy, and one of my legs still hurt a little bit from the day before.

Thursday was a little bit more eventful. The day started with a PrimaDonna event, and it was all about their very first sports collection and the new sports bra. We had the chance to try it out during a short Ballet-Barre workout, which was a lot of fun! Afterwards, we had lunch together and then it was time for me to drive back to the office to work a little bit before another event in the evening.
In the evening I was at the Pukka Berlin Store Opening at the Bikini Berlin. Pukka is a new jewellery brand based in Berlin. The funny thing is that the brand wasn’t founded by women but by men… but they create beautiful pieces of jewellery! I will write a post for the Bikini Berlin Journal about the store opening and the brand in general, so make sure to stop by there to read more about Pukka Berlin. 🙂
I left the store opening quite late (for me) and was happy when I was home. I fell asleep right away and woke up with a sore throat on Friday – maybe it wasn’t the best idea to walk to the store opening in the rain. I actually had planned to go to the gym on Friday morning, but I had to cancel this plan due to my sore throat and the worst headache. I went to the office instead and tried to get a little bit of work done. Around noon I visited the Subdued store to pick some new styles, had lunch and afterwards I just continued working… nothing spectacular at all. Since I felt a little bit under the weather, I was happy when we were finally home, and I could lay down on the sofa watching series and Youtube videos.

Photo Credit PrimaDonna Event Photos: Dirk Mathesius