Guess what? The past week was a little bit more eventful than the weeks before and I can finally tell you some more than “I was sitting at the office all day”. As you should know, the past weekend was a long weekend due to the Easter holidays. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t that nice, so we didn’t spend a lot of time outside. On Saturday we spend most of the time at home, finished Thirteen Reason Why and met up with friends in the evening. It was a perfect Saturday, calm and relaxing. Sunday was even more relaxing, but we went for a long walk with Jimmy (our dog), and we also worked a little bit. On Easter Monday we finally had the chance to take new outfit pictures and later that day we met up with my family for an Easter dinner. We spent a couple of hours at my grandma’s place, had dinner (her Easter lamb is the best!) and just had a great time together.
I have to admit, that I couldn’t wait to be back at the office on Tuesday. I had a lot of work to get done, and I really didn’t mind going back to the office after this long weekend. What can I say: Tuesday was a boring day at the office. We left the office around 8 pm, when we were home, I got changed to go for a run, and afterwards, I prepared dinner and watched the new episode of Suits. Wednesday started with a yoga session at the gym, and it felt so good. I want to do it more often because I think it would be very good for my body to stretch more often and to relax a little bit. Afterwards, I had an appointment, and we also took new outfit pictures before heading to the office. And that’s where I spend the rest of the day. I told you that there was a lot of work waiting for me after the long Easter weekend…
Thursday was a more exciting day. After a doctors appointment in the morning and after getting my car back before that (it was at the car workshop for technical service) I met up with Vanessa to visit some PR agencies here in Berlin. The German Press Days took place on Thursday and Friday, so most of the PR agencies opened the doors to show the new collections and chat about possible collaborations. It is always a lot of fun, and it’s great to see the new collections, but it is super exhausting as well. We were running from one PR agency to another non-stop, we barely had time to calm down and eat or drink something. That’s the problem when you have only one day to see as many of the agencies as possible. Press Days in Berlin are on two days in a row, but even two days are not enough. Anyways, I had a lot of fun with Vanessa, so it was definitely worth it 🙂
On Friday I met up with Luisa in the morning to go to the gym. Afterwards, we headed to the office because we’re still working on a big project 😉 It will take a little bit longer until I can finally tell you more, but we’re moving forward for sure. Oh, I can’t wait to tell you everything, and I am sure, you will love it. After working on this secret project for a couple of hours, I finished some last tasks on my to do list before I called it a day around 7 pm. We didn’t do anything that evening, just cooked dinner at home and watched series. To me that’s the perfect ending to a week, isn’t it?

jack robertson
Nice photos