Happy Easter everyone! Isn’t it great to have a long weekend off? ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s great to take it easy these days, working less and relaxing more. Well, I didn’t take the whole Friday off, but I worked from home and did it in a calmer and more comfortable way. This whole last week was a little bit calmer. Not only because of the long weekend, but also because it was my birthday last Tuesday and I spent only half a day at the office. Read the details about my past week in the following:

On Sunday we went to the cinema to watch the Allegiant and, I liked it a lot! But I haven’t read the book, I only watched the other two movies before. Have you already seen it? On my birthday we went to the cinema again and watched Spotlight, which was quite a good movie as well. But we didn’t only went to the cinema on my birhtday. Earlier that day I met my family for coffee and cake and me and my boyfriend had dinner at a nice restaurant before our cinema date. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Nothing special, but still great! Besides my birthday there weren’t any other highlights the past week. Today we’ll have a family dinner at my grandma’s place. She always cooks the BEST easter meal. What do you on Easter? Do you have any special plans?

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