Paris June 2014

As you alread know I spent two days in Paris, but you don’t know why, right? 😉 I can’t tell you all the details of this trip yet, but let me say this much: I was in Paris to film a special project with vente-privee and Lacoste. I had a great time filming and shooting with the vente-privee team and of course the other bloggers! I’m curious about the final result and I really can’t wait to share it with you at the end of June – hope, you’ll like it! 🙂

Actually I haven’t seen a lot of Paris during my stay: I went to the Eiffel Tower and along Champs-Élysées. I want to come back really soon to enjoy this beautiful city to the fullest! 🙂 For now I leave you with a few pictures of Paris. The best is yet to come, make sure to stop by at the end of June 😉

Walk through Paris

Monday afternoon: see the red X? That’s where I started and I WALKED to the Eiffel Tower (where my finger is) – it took me 1 1/2 hours hahahaha.

Eiffel Tower Details Eiffel Tower Paris Whaelse in Paris beautiful buildings in Paris blue sky in Paris Fashionblogger Jacky from Fashionblog Berlin Paris Travel Diary