Das neue whaelse.com

I can’t believe that whaelse.com turns 3 at the end of this year. Wow! 2014 seems to be the year of the number 3. Since yesterday “The new whaelse.com” is finally online. Did you know that this new version is the third one? We didn’t finish yet, but there are only a few small things we still have to do – you probably won’t notice them. 🙂

But let’s talk about the new features:

From now you can find a slider on top of the blog. Here you can find the most recent posts of the different categories or posts that deserves more attention. 😉 The slider is one of my personal highlights.


Related Posts
Underneath the last post on the homepage you can find another little slider called “Related Posts”. Here you can find some older posts you already might like. It is a great way to become aware of older posts. Even when they’re older, they can be a good inspiration as well.

Related Posts

Share Buttons
Do you like what you see? Then you can share this post by clicking one of the small buttons underneath the Featured Image on the homepage. Share the content you like with all your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and/or Tumblr.

Share Buttons

This allows you to keep track of your locations within the blog, it’s a navigation. 🙂 See the picture below…


This about the homepage. Let’s continue with the changes within the posts:

First we changed the font size and centered the title of the post.
There is another feature we already included a few months ago, but I never told you about this new feature. When you scroll down, a new bar opens where you easily can go to the post before or the post after.

This is the biggest change whithin the posts, because we created a complete new sidebar for them. On the top you can find a heart. If you want to let me know that you like a post, just click. 🙂 Another change is, that you can find all the outfit details in the sidebar as well. We created some icons to make it easy for you to see where the garments are from. I love this feature. 🙂


One page is completely new: categories. We shot a picture for every category to create a nice-looking overview. And even the category pages are new – click on the picture of your favourite category and have a look yourself. 🙂

Kategorieseite Kategorie Outfit

That’s it. I hope you like “The new whaelse.com”. Please let me know if you have any improvement suggestions or if you find an error, so that we can fix it asap. 🙂