The last day of 2013 has arrived, but hasn’t 2013 only just started? It seems like yesterday when we were celebrating the new year 2013 and it’s every year the same: the next turn of the year seems so far away, but in the end it goes by way to fast.
But I don’t want to talk about that topic. With this post I want to recall this last year and to share the best moments and of course outfits once again. Every new year begins with new goals, expectations and plans – and I did mine as well. Some of them happend, others did not and still others happend different than expected. But 2013 has been pretty nice, though. 🙂 It has been a great year full of great happenings, travels, full of ends and new beginnings. When I look back on this year I have to say it has been very successfull as well. 🙂 I’ve finishes my education as a marketing communication assistent, took up a new job and some days ago I got a grant – I’ll to tell you more about this very soon. 🙂 I’ve been in Hamburg, at the Baltic Sea, on a cruise and in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Everytime accompanied by my family, my boyfriend or good friends – all that can be desired. 🙂
And even the “blog”-year was gorgeous. In the past six months has grown very fast: the number of visitors increased threefold! And that’s not enough: I had the chance to attend the MBFWB, the Stylight Style Suite and I was part of the Kids Parade in Berlin and not forgetting the #someonelikeme Party. 🙂 Now lean back, enjoy this last hours of 2013, get ready for the big night and enjoy this collection of my best moments, outfits and happenings. Happy new year! <3