FRIYAY! Happy – almost – weekend y’all. Do you have any special plans for the next days? I’ll probably spend a few hours at the office or at least on the laptop to catch up on all the things I couldn’t do the week I was sick. But that’s an old story.. How did you like the outfits I’ve shared this week so far? Anything inspiring? 🙂 Today I want to share the outfit I was wearing yesterday, it’s the last one I’ll share this week, and I hope you’ll like it as much as I do:
The Basics: blue jeans and white shirt
Basics are the most important pieces in every girl’s – and of course boy’s – wardrobe, that’s why we can’t have enough of them. The basics you can see in this outfit are basics with a special touch. The white shirt is longer as a white shirt usually is, and it has side splits while the jeans have some cuts. I really love these details, and that’s why I needed these basics in my wardrobe. 🙂 And because I wanted to focus on these basics I kept the whole outfit simple. I combined my white shirt and the blue jeans with black boots, a black backpack as well as a black hat and some jewels. I tried to give this look a bohemian touch with the jewels I chose. What do you think about it?
Enjoy your Friday and have a great start into the weekend. I can’t wait to read your comments and to see what you think about this outfit. 🙂 xx

In cooperation with Subdued
Ich mag deine Fotos sehr und die Outfits, die du postest, passen irgendwie immer perfekt zu dir! Liebe Grüße von Sophia - ebenfalls aus Berlin :)
Wie lieb von dir, vielen lieben Dank ! :)
Ich finde das Outfit total schön vorallem, dass es nur aus einfachen Basics besteht, macht es besonders. Der Schmuck und der Hut pept es etwas auf. Ich weiß nur nicht, vielleicht hätte ich eher eine "heile" Jeans dazu gewählt so finde ich passt es nicht so gut zu dem weißen T Shirt, was so etwas unberührtes ausstrahlt :DViele Grüße von FairFashionTalk
Vielen Dank für den lieben Kommentar und deine ehrlich Meinung. :)
Tolles Post! Ich mag deine Looks! Wie schick!!Gruss Melanie
Dankeschön :) :*