Sixth day in Miami: Finally the good weather was back – only a little rain cloud, but the rest of the day sun, sun, some clouds and sun. 🙂 We went for a walk through the streets and enjoyed the good weather and the beautiful plants all a around. But the most time we spent at the pool – can’t get enough of relaxing at the pool 🙂

15 minutes rain:

And after the rain:

I was wearing:
Hollister shorts
H&M top
River Island shoes
Bracelet bought in a Converse Shop
Forever 21 sunglasses
La Vie Quotidienne
Great NAVY TOP...amazing PICS my dear..thanks for sharing your holidays in MIAMIYou can check me in RED:www.laviequo.comXOXO from MUNICHLa Vie Quotidienne
Thanks for your lovely comment :)
lovely pictures :) Love Lois xxxhttp://lisforlois.blogspot.com/
Thanks :)