Another look I wore during the christmas days. After a skirt and a dress it was time to wear a jeans again 😉 And here is the result: Mango Jeans and Zara cropped sweater. The Zara sweater is new and I love it. I love the shape and the fluffy material. This time I had to wear it with a top but when it gets warmer again you’ll see it without a top 😉
Do you own a cropped sweater yourself or don’t you like this trend?

Mango coat // Zara sweater // Mango Jeans // Forever 21 earrings
Woher sind die Schuhe ?
Die sind von G&G :) Aber ich glaube die gibt es nicht mehr :S
Great look! :) http://mylifelamiavitamivida.blogspot.gr/ https://www.facebook.com/dbva12