Letztens habe ich diesen knallpinken Schal bei Gina Tricot gesehen und ich musste ihn sofort kaufen! Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich euch erzählt, dass ich ein paar farbenfrohere Klamotte brauche (hier könnt ihr euch den Post nochmal angucken).. muss ich noch mehr zu meinem neuen Schal sagen? 😉 haha. Ich wünsche euch einen tollen ersten Advent! 🙂

Hollister Mantel (alt) // Zara Pullover // Dr.Denim Jeans // Gina Tricot Schal // Banane Taipei Tasche
I like your blog dear! Do you want to follow each other? Read my blog in ENGLISH, SPANISH and ITALIAN !
thanks, of course we can follow each other :)
Great post and blog :) I totally love the scarf girl! Would you maybe like to follow each other? Love, Annawww.fashionanna.com
Thank you! yea, let's follow each other :)
Lovely bag!xxNEW POST! Red Head's ~ LINK
The Banana Tapei bag is brilliant.http://THEURBANPROMENEUR.blogspot.com
fashion blog
Lovely post,I really like your posts,especially this one :) would you like to follow each other via bloglovin and gfc? I will be very happy if you also check out my blog :) Have a nice week! KissesVIEWRAMA my fashion blog
Thanks for your comment. We can follow each other with bloglovin :)
Journey Son
Cute outfit, love the tote
I for one love the color pink. you have a lovely style. I have such a similar coat that im wearing for winter too cute. and love the boots too. xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @ www.gigikkitchen.blogspot.com
thank you gigi :)