
Today, it’s time for another DIY project, created by schere leim papier. This a very quick one, and it’s also very cheap because you only need two ingredients to craft it.

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There are just a few days left until Christmas! Have you already thought about your outfits you are going to wear during the holidays? With this bow brooch, you can give a simple jumper some festive touch. Just put it on and feel fancy.

Furthermore, this cute velvety brooch could be useful as a last minute gift, couldn’t it?


How does it work?

You need some ribbon with a length of ca. 50 cm and a safety pin.


First, we bind a loop with the ribbon. At the beginning, this version of looping might be difficult, but it looks better than the simple one. Start with forming two loops with the ends of the ribbon [2]. Then you cross the right one over the left one [3].  Now, you’ve got another loop by doing this. Next, you have to move the left loop through the new loop [4].


At last, you just have to pull the ribbon into shape [5]. For the brooch, you fix the safety on the back of the loop [6+7].  In addition, you can cut into the ends of the ribbon to prettify them [8].  Done!